a black and white image of a person with a hand drawn on it

About Us

Yes on HHH is a team of health, home, and happiness coaches specializing in integrative nutrition, spacial design, and a holistic approach to wellness and joy. We help people around the world live better, one simple lifestyle change at a time. Whether you would like to increase your energy, boost your immunity, feel more confident in your body and mind, enhance your close relationships, transform your space, or just find more balance and joy in your life, we have you covered with  the latest tips and resources to help you get there. ✨

Yes on HHH emphasizes three areas of well-being to reinvent your life:

Health, Home, & Happiness.

Learn to recreate yourself into a person you will be incredibly proud of. Empower yourself and others through impactful, meaningful, and healthy lifestyle choices.

a group of brown mushrooms
a woman sitting in a chair
a glass of green liquid next to a whole vegetable and a whole vegetable

Meet Joie Winter

Founder & Director

After years of freelancing as an interior designer, and while studying to become an integrative health coach, I was also working full-time as a healthcare manager in the public health sector. Eventually, I took the leap and left my professional healthcare career and contract design jobs to begin my journey as a health, wellness, and personal happiness coach and writer. When I started Yes on HHH, I was still doing some design consulting on the side, and I became more deeply involved in the theme of how our personal spaces affect our mental and emotional wellness.  What started as a holistic wellness journal turned into a full fledged health, design, and relationship wellness company. And now I’m here, supporting health coaches and wellness professionals with all things nutrition, design, and online publications.  After I finally began heavily focusing my energy into all things health and wellness, while incorporating my design practice, I realized how the synthesis of these life themes could be integrated into holistic wellness and personal happiness.  Writing my book, Wanderlust: How to Travel and Design with Wellness in Mind, was a lifelong dream, as this fuses all of my passions of home, health and travel. On top of all of these other interests, I am also a wife and mother of two in San Francisco. I founded Yes on HHH as a place to support my readers in living their healthiest, happiest life. Thank you for trusting me on your journey.

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